Analysis and Preventive Measures of Violent Acts: A Case Study of Secondary Schools of Punjab
This research aimed to investigate the violent acts by female students at the secondary school level along with the preventive measures to eradicate that violence. A self–constructed questionnaire was designed to look into the study problem. For this purpose, 822 female school teachers (SSTs) were selected as the target population working in 46 public sector schools of Lodhran District, Punjab, Pakistan. The simple random sampling technique was adopted for 110 secondary school teachers. So the average response rate was 89%. Frequency counts, percentages and mean scores were used to derive the results. The study results show that female students were found involved doing smacking carriers, rebuking, nibbling and raging. As far as the preventive strategies were concerned, most of the teachers adopted precautionary measures to mend the aggressive behavior of the female students, like a warning, moral lessons and sharing information to the parents in parent-teacher meetings (PTMs) to handle the situation.
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