Peer Review

The Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences follows a rigorous Double-Blind Review procedure, ensuring fairness, efficiency, and excellence in article quality. This process maintains anonymity for both authors and reviewers, reducing potential biases arising from factors like nationality or previous controversial work. By protecting author anonymity, the review process emphasizes the assessment of manuscript content rather than the reputations of well-known authors. This statement is based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Article Review Process

Upon submission, articles undergo several sequential stages before publication:

Initial Review Stage (7 to 10 days): Submitted articles are assessed by the journal's editor to ensure compliance with the "Guide for Authors" format and alignment with the journal's objectives and scope. Articles meeting these criteria proceed to the next stage, where a peer reviewer is assigned.

Review Stage (6-8 weeks): Articles passing the initial review are sent to two or more expert reviewers.

Articles accepted with minor or major revisions must be revised in accordance with the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. Subsequently, reviewers will provide their reports to the editor, recommending one of the following actions:

  • Accept Submission
  • Revisions Required
  • Decline Submission

Editors will base their decisions on these recommendations and reviewer comments, with the possibility of seeking additional review if necessary (Second Round). The Editor in Chief will ultimately determine the acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript. After addressing reviewer comments or justifying lack of revisions, and upon payment of fees, articles enter the publication queue. Authors receive formal notification of final acceptance.

Accepted manuscripts will be published in consideration of the sequence of acceptance dates, authors' geographical distribution, and the order of acceptance. The publication process typically takes 6-7 months from submission.