As a reputable international journal, Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences (JMPHSS) is committed to ensuring that all authors adhere to rigorous academic integrity standards, with a particular emphasis on combating plagiarism. JMPHSS vehemently opposes and discourages any form of plagiarism.

All submissions to JMPHSS will undergo plagiarism screening, and manuscripts found to contain plagiarized content will be rejected. JMPHSS uses Turnitin, and our own software to detect submissions that overlap with published and submitted manuscripts. Papers submitted to JMPHSS must maintain a similarity level of less than 20%. Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized from a manuscript by other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be rejected and the authors may incur sanctions. Any published articles may need to be corrected or retracted.

Editors and reviewers will assess instances of minor plagiarism, such as the reuse of parts of an introduction from a previous paper or self-plagiarism, which involves recycling significant or nearly identical sections of one's own work without acknowledgment. In the event of post-publication discovery of plagiarism, retraction will be initiated, and a statement will be published in the subsequent issue.

Plagiarism encompasses presenting another person’s ideas or words as your own without proper permission, credit, or acknowledgment, or failing to cite sources correctly. It can range from direct copying to rephrasing another's work. We emphasize that plagiarism is a serious academic offense, even if unintentional, and is unacceptable in international academic publications. Proper citation is essential when using specific information from a source.

Identifying potential plagiarism involves several scenarios:

  1. Literal copying occurs when an author reproduces another's work word for word without permission or acknowledgment. This can be detected by comparing the original source with the suspected manuscript.
  2. Substantial copying involves reproducing a significant portion of another's work without permission or acknowledgment. Both the quality and quantity of the copied text are considered, with quality referring to its value in relation to the overall work.
  3. Paraphrasing occurs when an author takes ideas, words, or phrases from a source and presents them as their own without proper citation. This form of plagiarism can be challenging to detect.

At JMPHSS, we uphold academic integrity rigorously. The editorial team reserves the right to withdraw acceptance from any paper found to violate these standards. Additionally, we may remove or restrict access to files containing unlawful content or content that violates JMPHSS policies or the rights of third parties.

For more information, potential authors are encouraged to contact the editorial office at