Effect of Parenting Styles on Emotional Intelligence and Personality Traits among Medical Students
Parenting style has a great influence on child development. Researchers are progressively aware of the importance of parenting style and its impact on children's upbringing. The current study was meant to examine the effect of authoritative parenting styles versus authoritarian, permissive and flexible parenting styles on medical students' emotional intelligence and personality traits. The study was a cross-sectional survey piloted at the University of Haripur from Nov 2021 to May 2022. Ensuing purposive sampling, two hundred medical students, both males and females, without any limitation of age, were approached at medical colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The parental authority questionnaire, Emotional intelligence scale and Big five personality inventory were used for data gathering. Pearson correlation analysis was computed to get association amid study variables. Linear regression analysis depicted that authoritarian parenting style has a significant negative effect on emotional intelligence (β=.50, p<.001), extraversion (β= -.57, p<.001), agreeableness (β= -.53, p<.001) and conscientiousness. Results also depicted that authoritative parenting style has a significant positive effect on emotional intelligence (β= .48, p<.001), extraversion (β= .40, p<.001), agreeableness (β= .45, p<.001), and on conscientiousness (β= .45, p<.001). Whereas authoritarian parenting style has a significant positive impact on neuroticism (β= .47, p<.001) and authoritative parenting has a significant negative effect on neuroticism (β= -.52, p<.001). Parenting style has been proven to be a significant contributor to enhancing emotional intelligence and promoting positive personality traits. The authoritative parenting style promotes emotional intelligence, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Authoritarian parenting style is highly responsible for the rise in neuroticism and decreased emotional intelligence.
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