Story of Domestic Violence Against Men: The Truth, Untold and Complicated

  • Siti Marshita Binti Mahyut Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
  • Guru Dhillon Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Keywords: Family Law, Domestic Violence Against Men, Identify, Forms, Recommendations


The paper aims to investigate the issue of domestic violence against men and raise awareness of domestic violence against men to the people. This issue is slowly becoming one of the serious issues in the world, not only Malaysia. Many reports have showed that women nowadays are becoming more dominant and aggressive than men. This study conducted a thorough literature review to obtain relevant data. To access the relevant information books, journals, magazines and websites were assessed. Research found out that domestic violence against men is not a concern and even ignored by the people because it is hard to identify. Moreover, male victims always choose to keep silent. These findings have shed light on an important issue and also provided guidance for abused men to seek help when the violence happens in Malaysia. This study also rendered useful suggestions for authorities to address this issue.


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How to Cite
Siti Marshita Binti Mahyut, & Guru Dhillon. (2017). Story of Domestic Violence Against Men: The Truth, Untold and Complicated. Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 24-30. Retrieved from