Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Patterns, BMI, and Academic Performance: A Comparative Study of Adolescent Students in Rural and Urban Areas of Multan
This study aimed to explore the interrelations among sleep duration, body mass index, and academic performance in adolescents from rural and urban areas of Multan, Pakistan. The current study, utilizing a quantitative approach, the study focused on two primary research questions: The impact of nightly sleep duration on academic achievement and the role of BMI in this relationship. Conducted in the 2019 academic year, the study employed a cross-sectional design and included 250 high school students aged 12 to 14 from South Punjab, Pakistan. The participants, comprising 49.7% boys and 50.3% girls, were selected through a suitable sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software, with a significance level set at p < 0.05. Contrary to expectations, longer sleep duration was found to significantly improve academic performance in adolescents. A positive correlation emerged between reduced sleep and improved academic outcomes. BMI was identified as a mediator in this relationship, elucidating how sleep patterns influence academic success. Notable disparities were observed in sleep patterns and BMI between rural and urban adolescents, with high rates of insufficient sleep linked to overweight and obesity risks. Urban students generally slept less than rural ones, while rural students showed a higher tendency toward being underweight. The study highlights the counterproductive nature of sacrificing sleep for academic gains, revealing that insufficient sleep negatively impacts both health and academic achievement. It calls for a re-evaluation of educational priorities towards a more holistic approach to student wellbeing. The findings suggest the need for policies focusing on enhancing sleep duration, reducing academic stress, and improving nutrition and health in rural areas. Future studies should delve deeper into this relationship, exploring interventions that optimize sleep, health, and learning in diverse socio-ecological settings.
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