A Correlational Study on Self-Compassion, Psychological Resilience, and Aggression among Students of Private and Government Schools and Colleges
The goal of the education system is to provide valuable and equivalent standards of education along with extracurricular activities that teach them how to deal with conflict, cope with adversity, and overcome tough circumstances. The study aimed to scrutinize aggression, self-compassion and psychological resilience among private and government school and college students. A sample comprised of students (N = 200) with mean age of ± 17 years from private and government schools and colleges from Rawalpindi and Islamabad was gathered. Sample was collected using purposive sampling technique. To study variables, Self-Compassion Scale-SF, Brief Resilience Scale and The Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire were used. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results revealed that self-compassion and psychological resilience have significant negative correlation with aggression whereas self-compassion and psychological resilience have a significant positive correlation with each other. Furthermore, Results also indicated that there is a significant difference based on the institutional level of students i.e., private or government institutes among study variables. Moreover, significant differences based on gender were also revealed by the results. Based on current study resilience interventions programs are recommended for school and college students to cope with challenging situations. Study findings will also help the education providers in identifying practical strategies for promoting self-compassion and psychological resilience among students with high levels of aggression.
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