Analyzing Peace Narratives: Content Analysis of Pakistan Studies Curricula and Textbooks at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels

  • Noor Shamsuddin Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Education, Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Saqib Raza Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Education, Astana, Kazakhstan
Keywords: Pakistan Studies, Peace, Harmony, Curriculum, Textbook


Education promotes peace and harmony by fostering understanding, respect, and cooperation among diverse communities. This study employed a qualitative content analysis method to examine the secondary and higher secondary Pakistan Studies curricula and textbooks, assessing their role in promoting harmony, peace, and respect for diversity. The content was analysed for themes related to diversity, inclusivity, and narratives that support peaceful coexistence, with findings presented through thematic analysis. The analysis revealed that the curricula emphasise moral principles and national cohesion but often fail to fairly represent Pakistan's rich cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, risking reinforcing biases and divisions. Key themes identified include upholding human dignity through justice, equality, and fundamental human rights; challenging ethnic, spiritual, and gender-based prejudices to build tolerance; promoting nonviolence, dialogue, and conflict management skills; caring for the earth; and fostering respect for diversity to create religious and sectarian harmony. However, the study found these efforts insufficient and recommends revising the curriculum to incorporate stronger lessons on tolerance, pluralism, and peacebuilding. Additionally, it highlights the need for teacher training programs and student engagement in activities promoting respect for diverse perspectives. Implementing these changes can transform the Pakistan Studies curriculum into a powerful tool for nurturing a generation committed to building an inclusive and harmonious society, aligning educational content with the broader goals of social cohesion and sustainable peace.

How to Cite
Noor Shamsuddin, & Saqib Raza. (2025). Analyzing Peace Narratives: Content Analysis of Pakistan Studies Curricula and Textbooks at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels. Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 45-57.