Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences en-US (Dr. Farooq Ahmed Jam) (Umair Hassan) OJS 60 From Workplace Gossips to Innovation: Examining Moral Deficits, Psychological Entitlement and their Impact on Performance <p>The present study investigated negative workplace gossip effects on moral deficits and psychological entitlement through creative stress and creative performance. We seek moral attentiveness moderating role among moral deficits and psychological entitlement with creative stress and creative performance. A cross-sectional method was used for data collection; 250 samples were collected from an IT employee working in a Software house in Leads and Manchester, England. The analysis employed strong measures of reliability (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability), validity (convergent and discriminant validity), regression, and correlation. The mediation moderating effect was tested and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in SmartPLS 3.0. Our results show that a positive relationship between negative workplace gossip affects moral deficits and psychological entitlement and is moderated by moral attentiveness. Lastly, we highlight its managerial implications and possible directions for further study.</p> Hamad Riaz Copyright (c) Wed, 26 Mar 2025 00:00:00 -0500